CCK invited to AFP Missing Person’s Stakeholder Meeting – Canberra

Team CCK travelled to Canberra on the 20th of September to attend the Missing Person’s (MP) Stakeholder Forum at AFP headquarters. We joined commander Joanne Cameron, Commander Helen Schneider, Search Dogs Sydney Inc and other NGO’s who have significantly contributed to the field of Missing Person’s in Australia. The agenda included an introduction to the […]

CCK Invited to Sony Music Entertainment’s Panel Discussion for National Refugee Week

Welcoming National Refuge Week 2024, CCK joined a panel discussion hosted at Sony Music Entertainment HQ in Pyrmont, Sydney. The panel included similar NGO’s who have significantly assisted and improved the plight of refugees in Australia, including RACS (Refugee Advice & Case work Service) a non-profit providing essential legal support to people who have fled […]

Assisting Refugees from Gaza Resettling in Australia

Community Care Kitchen have assisted our sister international charity Merciful Group in international efforts to provide essential aid in Gaza since October 2023. To date, our combined efforts have raised over 1 million dollars in assistance. Community Care Kitchen has since focused our efforts locally to assist refugees arriving from Gaza, while Merciful Group continue […]

CCK Awarded the Zest Community Impact Grant 2024 from the Western Sydney Community Forum

Last week Team Community Care Kitchen won the Zest Community Impact Grant 2024, hosted by the @westernsydneycommunityforum . It was an honour for us to receive this grant and be acknowledged for our contributions to our community. Team CCK are heavily involved in many different aspects of community, most recently, helping refugees from Gaza resettle […]

الأزمة المعيشية: هل أرخت بثقلها على المؤسسات المجتمعية والخيرية أيضاً؟

مع ارتفاع نسبة التضخم وغلاء المعيشة في أستراليا، يتزايد عدد الأستراليين الذين يلجؤون إلى حاويات المتاجر الكبيرة من أجل تأمين قوت يومهم. فما هو واقع الحال في أستراليا اليوم وإلى أي حد يعاني الأستراليون؟ النقاط الرئيسية: هناك عائلات أسترالية غير قادرة على تأمين أبسط أمور الحياة. الأزمة المعيشية أرخت بثقلها على المؤسسات الخيرية بسبب انخفاض […]

The Reserve Bank raises interest rates for a tenth straight time

“The people in the community who were actually donating to our charity are now asking for help” For the tenth consecutive month, the Reserve Bank has raised interest rates – lifting them today to 3.6 per cent. The nation’s many millions of borrowers are reeling from the news. It’s also fuelling concern that a recession […]

TeamCCK takes out Organisation of the Year 2022 at the 15th AMAA Awards

The Australian Muslim Achievement Awards, hosted annually by Mission Of Hope, aim to acknowledged and celebrate the communitys individual and professional leaders from across the corporate, public, and not for profit sectors. The 15th anniversary of the AMA awards was held at the prestigious Sydney Opera House. Team CCK has been acknowledge for our outstanding […]

CCK offers scholarships to combat effects of Isolation in Youth

تتحضر مدرسة تشيستر هيل الثانوية في جنوب غرب سيدني لتخريج فوج من الطباخين الصغار في غضون الشهر القادم. وذلك ضمن منح دراسية تقدم لهم فرص عمل في قطاع الضيافة في سيدني. شهدنا على مدار العامين الماضيين التزام الطلاب في جميع أنحاء البلاد بقيود غير مسبوقة بسبب أزمة الوباء. بما في ذلك إجراءات العزل التي منعتهم […]

How coffee and an Arabic conversation could help find missing persons in Australia

More than 50,000 coffee cups will feature translated information in Arabic, asking Australia’s Middle Eastern community members if they have seen any of Australia’s missing persons. Eighteen 22 Casual Dining cafe owner Bashar Krayem is presenting information on missing people in Arabic to transcend language barriers in the community. Source: Supplied / Bashar Krayem Could a cup of coffee […]